Folic acid will be started pre-conceptionally till 14 weeks of pregnancy.
1. Dating scan (ultrasound)
2. Blood and urine tests- Hb, urine routine, Blood group, HIV, VDRL, HBsAg, HCV, TSH, HPLC, Blood sugar random, (any other tests if required)
SUBSEQUENT ANTENATAL VISITS1. Routine check-ups- every 15-20 days- 1 month intervals, according to your condition.
2. 11-13 weeks (3rd month)- NTNB scan + Double marker test.
3. 14 weeks - Iron and calcium supplements to be started and continued till post delivery, 1st dose of Inj Tetanus toxoid.
4. 2nd dose of Inj Tetanus Toxoid (minimum 1 month after the first dose).
5. 18-22 weeks (5th month)- Level 2 ultrasound (anomaly scan)
6. 24-26 weeks (7th month)- Blood investigations- OGTT (Oral glucose tolerance test with 75 gm glucose), repeat Hb, TSH, urine routine and microscopy.
7.28-30 weeks- Interval growth scan +/- Doppler.
8.9th month- Term scan, repeat Hb, blood sugar +/- TSH.
In case of any emergency like leaking/ bleeding per vagina/ pain abdomen or lower abdomen pain/ decreased or absent fetal movements/severe epigastric pain/blurring of vision/ decreased urine output/ excess vomitings/ severe headache- reach the hospital immediately.
OPD Timing-Monday to Saturday- 10 am- 1:30 pm, evening: 5 pm- 6.30 pm.Sunday- 10 am- 2 pm, (please confirm telephonically before coming)
Emergency- all times Appointment no.- +91 7800800691, 7900280380, 99999316031. Tab. Emeset- MD 4 mg for vomiting more the Close times in a day, can be taken 1-2 times a day before food.
2. Syp. Mucaine gel 2 tsf 3 times a day for gas/ acidity.
3. Volini gel for backpain SOS.
4. Syp. Duphalac 2-3 tsf at bedtime for constipation
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS1. Walk 10-15 minutes for 4-5 times a day.
2. Minimum 3-4 litres/ 12-15 glasses of water per day.
3. Small frequent meals.
4. Wear loose fitting, breathable clothing and comfortable flat shoes.
5. Avoid intercourse in the first trimester (first 3 months of pregnancy).
6. After 5th month, sleep preferably in left lateral position.
7. After 5 months, Maintain a daily fetal movement chart, you should perceive good fetal movements atleast 2 movements in 1 hour just after meal OR total 10-12 movements in a day.
8. Keep your bag packed for delivery after 8 months which should include your clothes, uppers, lowers with inners and underwears, atleast 4-5 pairs, clothes for baby, towels, sanitary pads, woollens for both mother and baby (according to weather), your items of daily use like masks, sanitiser, soap, cream, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush etc.
2. Avoid oily, spicy, frozen food and food from hotels (especially non veg)
3. Avoid cold drinks, ice creams, chewing gums, artificial sweeteners, coffee, alcohol and smoking.
4. Drink 3-4 litres/12-15 glasses of water daily, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, drink 500 ml of milk daily.
DO'S AND DON'TS IN PREGNANCY1. Read books, listen to music, meditate, relax and pray.
2. Avoid long distance travel, intercourse, lifting heavy weights more than 10 kg.
3. Avoid multiple flights of climbing stairs and walking uphills.
4. Don't do strenuous physical work.
5. Avoid running, jumping, trekking, brisk walk is safe.
6. Don't wear tight clothes, heels, tight innerwear, avoid cosmetics, and perfume.
7. Prefer lip balm over lipstick, kajal over mascara, henna over hair colour, avoid tattooing.
8. Avoid using mobile internet for more than 2 hours/ day, don't keep Wi-Fi and smartphones next to you while sleeping.
9. You can sit for long hours, can do light household work like cooking, cleaning and desk- job which is not mentally stressful.
10. You can drive car after 10 weeks, avoid 2 wheeler/ 3 wheeler rides on bumpy roads.
11. Try to use Indian toilet seat throughout the pregnancy.
Please subscribe to our You tube channel Bansal Ivf for informational videos on pregnancy- 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester, diet in pregnancy, exercise in pregnancy, normal delivery, caesarean section and many more.